3 Ways to Recover After Your Workout

If you have been pushing yourself during your workout, without making sure you rest and recover, you may be experience results that don't feel all that good. By giving your body time to restore itself, you are giving yourself the best chance at coming back stronger and reducing the risk of injury. Consider some of these best practices to improve your workout recovery time and get stronger every day.

1. Get more rest.

Getting a good night's sleep is essential to your overall health, both mentally and physically. If you aren't getting enough rest, you are missing one of the benefits of sleep to your post-workout recovery. Getting seven to eight hours of sleep will improve your workout performance and recovery time. If you are the type to exercise or train earlier in the day, take a short twenty-minute nap a couple of hours after your workout. It'll re-energize you and won't get in the way of your nocturnal sleep.

2. Improve your protein intake.

Protein helps the body in a variety of ways, and the benefits of protein vary based on the time you are eating it. For example, eating protein right before bed can help your muscles repair while you sleep. Having protein in during the morning can help rebuild your muscles and give you an energy boost for the day. If you haven't eaten for a while since finishing your workout, make sure you get a protein boost afterward between 20-50 grams, based on your weight.

3. Drink plenty of fluids.

Any athlete or individual with an active exercise lifestyle knows that hydration is essential to your body's wellbeing. Having a proper amount of water before and after a workout helps prevent dehydration. Many people have water before a workout but forget to do it afterward, which can lead to dehydration. If you sweat excessively during your workout, replacing the fluids in your body is even more essential.
These simple tips we have listed above are the easiest ways to make sure you recover after a workout and reduce soreness. Keep in mind though as you continue to push yourself during your workouts, some soreness is expected.

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