My 5 Skin Must Dos for the Summer

Ah, the summer. It's been one unique year if I do say so myself. Yet, I'm trying to do my best to keep up with some essential skincare habits. While all of these tips may sound absolutely simple, with as mentally as exhausted as I am lately, it can be incredibly difficult. You see, I have sensitive skin and it can react from anything like dryness to food sensitivities, and so I want to take care this year, especially with how stressful things are. So, here are my summer must-dos:

1) Moisturize.

There are a ton of ways to keep your skin supple and smooth and moisturizing should be on the top of everyone's list. Lately, I use a rose lotion that's really nice. I also alternate to an aloe lotion that makes my skin feel really nice.

2) Exfoliating.

I've started doing this at least once a week. Technically you shouldn't do this too often because it can damage your skin, so once a week or less is best of all. I use a coffee scrub by Shea Moisture  - and it is so nice for my skin.

3) Facial masks.

I hear good things about facial masks and this is something I'd like to try. I mean, I could have a facial mask on right now, you guys. So it's a multi-tasking thing and there's no reason why I can't do it.

4) Don't touch your face.

Okay, I do have a bad habit of picking at my skin. It isn't good. Considering we're in a "don't touch your face" way of life right now, it's essential to get on top of that. Taking care of my skin is one of the top ways I can get on top of that bad habit (dry patches make me pick more).

5) Do some beautifying. 

Yes, this is my word for 2020 - beautifying. You guys we are all home more and working from home more but that doesn't mean that you can't dazzle a little bit. I like using this Star Island highlighter. It adds light to essential spots to your face which can really help in all those Zoom calls we're doing.

What are you planning on doing for your skin this summer? Make a list and tell me what you think!

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