3 Fun Birthday Gift Ideas to Send Someone Far Apart

This is a pretty awkward time of year to have a birthday. COVID-19 continues to be on the rise, and while many places are opening up, it's hard to determine when that will change. Not to mention, many of us aren't that comfortable venturing out into society again, at least not like we used to. So if you know someone with a birthday coming up, and especially if you are far apart, I have a few ideas for you that you will want to consider. 

1) Go the electronics route.

If you have some money to spend this year, how about giving the latest and greatest in tech? Consider getting a Nintendo Switch, which so many people are really into these days. (Animal Crossing anyone?). 

2) A Subscription Box

Yup, subscription boxes still exist and are still amazing. What does the person in your life like? Beer? Wine? Letter writing? Books? You name it! Pick a unique love of this person and seek out a subscription box that fits that need. You'd be surprised about the variety out there. (Check out my favorite blog https://www.mysubscriptionaddiction.com/ for ideas!).

3) A favorite show series box.

What series is your birthday person talking about? Or better yet, what are they convincing you to keep trying? Although most of us are streaming everything, there is never a guarantee that something will remain available online. Lots of shows get bought out by various networks and then poof! - they are not available like it used to be. So seek out some of their favorite shows and buy them the whole series (or as many seasons as you can) on DVD.

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