Cacao Vita - Review and Giveaway

What is your favorite flavor combination? For me, it's coffee and chocolate. If you are nodding your head in agreement, then you should try Cacao Vita. I had the chance to try a couple of different items from them - one of their coffees and some of their granola! Check it out:

First, the coffee I had the chance to try. It's called Caroline St - Sumatra. It's a dark roast blend (my favorite kind!).

So, some interesting facts about this coffee. First, Cacao Vita is based in Saratoga Springs, NY and Caroline St is the hub and party central for Saratoga Springs. So this coffee is meant to represent that very same environment - fun, bold and tantalizing! 

I'm picky about my experience with coffee, so when I tried my very first sip of Cacao Vita, I was very pleasantly surprised. You can absolutely detect the notes of chocolate with the coffee as well as a fruity tasty. It's actually the type of coffee that works so well just drinking it black without cream or sugar so you can detect the different flavors that are happening.

If you are curious about this coffee and want to try some for yourself, go by Cacao Vita's website and purchase some for $13.95. Buy now.

Now for the next fun thing I got to try - the coffee granola! Whoa, if you want a little perk up with your yogurt you will want to try this granola. Check it out:

I actually tried the Java Chip kind first and wow! What an experience! First of all, it's an acquired taste I thought because I'm so used to eating really really sweet granola. And once I got used it to it, whoa I was so pleased to find this. I loved the peanut butter too (again, another favorite combo of mine, peanut butter and chocolate). The granola is more of a loose granola rather than overly clumpy so it makes it great for morning yogurt parfait! The pumpkin mocha was also a really fantastic surprise too! What I liked about all of these is while the coffee taste was there, it was gentle. Each granola had profound flavor blends and if you love anything that makes your taste buds wake up, you will want to try this. 

Overall, I love Cacao Vita and their products are so unique in flavor. Be sure to find out where you can find them in stores or purchase their products online. You can also follow them on Facebook and Instagram.

And I'm so excited to announce I get to giveaway a bag of coffee to one lucky reader! Enter via Rafflecopter below. US only. Giveaway ends on 9/6. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

I received the above photographed items in exchange for my honest review. 

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