10 Celebrity Super Bowl Tweets

Anyone watch the Super Bowl this weekend? Well, I decided to accumulate some celebrity tweets that caught my eye while waiting for the Super Bowl to start! At this time, it's only 3 o'clock Pacific Time and I don't think the game has started yet. I'm looking forward to seeing Pink sing the National Anthem and kind of excited about Justin Timberlake. Oh and I can't wait for the commercials (my favorite part)! Somewhere in there is a game I'll watch.

So here's 10 celebrity tweets to entertain you this Sunday afternoon:

Justin with his game face on:

One does wonder though, how nervous do celebrities get before a performance like that?

Okay so this tweet was promptly deleted - not sure why! - but I captured this one thanks to screenshot and looking at the right time. It's of Justin Timberlake's wife, Jessica Biel:

Lady Gaga tweeted out her support of Justin Timberlake's performance. I wonder if she's feeling better. Anyone else hear that she had to cancel a concert date?

And here's Larry King folks, tweeting out his prediction. Who do you root for? I think I'm rooting for Phili.
Elizabeth Banks is at the game! I like her acting a lot. She's at the 50 yard line. I personally am not quite sure what that means. Do you?
Ellen tweeted her support for Pink and her winning the game. I'm excited for her singing the Anthem too!
Shannon Doherty tweeted her experience watching the game. I'm always nervous too. I don't want someone to get hurt or something. I'm also happy to see she's doing well, by the way.
And here's some product placement by Jimmy Fallon. Do you drink Pepsi or Coca Cola at a party? Or beer? Or wine?
Let's not forget about deep thoughts today though. Thanks to Maria Shriver for reminding us.
And let's toss in a political-ish person! Chelsea Clinton! Who is rooting for the Eagles as you can see.
Hope you enjoy the game this beautiful Sunday!

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