5 Things I Learned About Coconuts for World Coconut Day

Did you know that September 2nd is World Coconut Day? I didn't either, but one of my favorite body washes and body lotions uses coconut in their ingredients list. So I thought today of all days would be great way to talk about one of my new favorite things - coconuts!

So, I thought I'd put together five things I have learned about coconuts that I never knew before. 

1) The coconut is considered the "tree of life" due to its many uses and benefits. 

I've read so many places that talk about the uses and benefits of coconuts. I spotted an article with Dive Training Magazine that talks in depth about the coconut. The coconut palm is considered the "tree of life" because it's used as food, clothing, shelter, tools, and so much more. It's even part of the daily survival for some cultures. 

2) It's quite possible to use coconut oil as an all purpose beauty treatment.

I found this really interesting article on Fashionista.com by a woman who basically replaced all of her skin care treatment with coconut oil. From hair wash to make up remover - all coconut oil, all the time. And you know? It worked pretty well.

I use coconut oil for my moisturizer and love it. I also use this Coconut Papaya Body Wash by Nubian Heritage. It does have that coconut-y smell but also balanced by a fruity scent. 

3) It takes a full year for a coconut to mature into a ripe fruit.

And acording to Dive Training Magazine, when the coconut first starts out, the juice inside can bring about almost a liter of juice.

4) It can be used as a natural remedy.

According to Wellness Mama, you can use coconut oil for so many variety of purposes! If you rub some in your nose, it can help reduce allergies, for example. It can also be used as a pretty awesome toothpaste (although you shouldn't replace your usual toothpaste)  Read more about coconut oil uses here. 

5) People are going nuts for coconuts.

So, according to this UK The Voice, coconut hair care products have grown by 29% over the last year.  Coconut products alone are showing a 23% growth over the last year. Why? Retail Insight Manager Kaajal Bhatti says, "I think what we're actually seeing is something of a coconut revolution, rather than just a fad." Read more of the article here.

Interested in buying some amazing products made of this amazing food and beauty product? Well, I love products by Nubian Heritage and their body wash and body lotion is just amazing. It smells good and feels good on the skin. It isn't drying at all. You can get some for $12.99. Purchase now.

I received the above mentioned products in exchange for my honest review.

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