Snack Ideas When You Want Some Energy

What category do you fall under? A mini-meal throughout the day type of person or three major meals all day? I tend to vary. As the weather gets warmer, I definitely fall under the mini-meal throughout the day type of person as I cannot stand eating heavily on a hot day.  And as I try to get exercise into my day, I definitely like choosing the right snacks for an energy boost.

Here's my top five favorite snacks for energy boosting -

Nuts and Seeds.

More specifically, I got for pistachios, sunflower seeds, and almonds. Those are my go to energy boosters! Add in a cheese stick or two and I'm definitely good. 

Some peanut butter and fruit. Or peanut butter and celery. 

I usually go for berries as my fruit of choice but then also I love adding in some peanut butter. Mixing the two into yogurt is an excellent snack or pre workout breakfast. Or my other snack favorite is peanut butter and celery! 

Hard Boiled Eggs

Oh I love when I can make a bunch in advance in preparation for the week or to make sure I have energy for exercise. I like this because it isn't obnoxiously filling, and I just have mine with salt and pepper.


Oh I like oatmeal. Even better I like baking with it. If you need some ideas outside of the box, I'd recommend "peanut butter oatmeal balls" of some kind as it's a great way to get oatmeal and have a blast of energy.  Here are some recipe ideas!

The other newest thing that I've discovered is great for energy - these Go Macro Bars! It was so cool, I was in Whole Foods yesterday and saw someone in line with one and I almost was like, "Hey, I just discovered these! They're so great!" I couldn't wait to try some when I had the chance.

I think one thing that stands out is that they don't have a lot of sugar. I think this was the biggest perk to me. I had the chance to review a variety of flavors. My favorite was the "Protein Pleasure" which was the peanut butter chocolate chip flavor. That was so good. I'm such a sucker for something with peanut butter and chocolate.  They had other bars with some other nut butters such as sunflower butter, almond butter and cashew butter. I still can't help but love the bars with peanut butter the most. And another thing I really like about them is not only are they certified gluten-free, they are also Non-GMO verified and USDA Organic. These are so important factors for me!

Check out to see which bars you would like! 

What snacks or pre-work out meals do you go for when you need some energy? I'd love to know your ideas!

I received the above bars in exchange for my honest review.

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