Why You Should Buy Organic Coffee [and Giveaway]

photo credit: Some Strange Lady One of the loves of my life...-HMM! via photopin (license)

I'm always on the organic route when I go into a grocery store, but I have only just recently heard that we really should be drinking organic coffee. I never really thought of this before and didn't realize the importance of choosing organic coffee until now.

One major reasons to drink organic coffee?

You avoid a good majority of the pesticides.

This is the main reason I choose organic produce. Did you know that coffee is known to be one of the most heavily sprayed crops? While many argue the roasting process eliminates the pesticide residue, this still doesn't leave warm feelings in my coffee pot about what the coffee bean could entail. (SOURCE)

It's also environmentally beneficial. Many conventional growers will clear out forests to make room for their crops. This eliminates natural pest killers like birds and other creatures and this leads to more pesticide use. Organic coffee is grown more naturally, maintaining the forest life in the surrounding area. (SOURCE)

Venture into the weeds of any coffee connoisseur board (I'm looking at you Reddit) and this is of course, a highly debated subject. But overall, I'm definitely on board the organic train and when I can, I do. Growing organic coffee is definitely a challenge, but for those farmers who values growing organic, it's worth it. Check out this post I found that talked a little about it.

So why my mini discussion on growing organic? Well, I had the chance to try out Weaver's Astral Blend Coffee which is USDA Certified Organic and Fair Trade Certified Coffee. Plus, by purchasing this coffee, you are also supporting breast cancer research as well. I thought this coffee tasted pretty good, it was a gentle dark roast flavor. It was kind of the sweeter side and very rich (without any bitter flavors).

Price wise it's a bit out of my range on what I usually spend - it's $18.95 for 16 ounces. So if you can support a good cause in more ways than one, I would recommend purchasing this organic coffee by Weaver's Coffee. By the way purchasing Fair Trade coffee benefits the farms that grow the coffee, and their surrounding communities.

I'm working to be more conscious in my food choices so I recommend purchasing Weaver's Coffee and putting forth the extra money on occasion to buy this.

Purchase Weaver's Coffee Astral Blend and other Weaver's Coffees today. Order now. They have a really interesting blog you should check out that includes recipes and discusses some interesting coffee facts. Also follow them on Twitter and Facebook.

I am also happy to announce one lucky reader will get the chance to win some Astral Blend coffee of their own. Enter via Rafflecopter below. Ends 5/1.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

I received the above items in exchange for my honest review.

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