Send Me Gluten-Free - August Box Review (And Giveaway)

Some time ago, I had the chance to review the monthly subscription box for Send Me Gluten Free. It had a variety of interesting flavors and experiences to try - some I enjoyed more than others. And I had the chance to try out the July subscription box and I can't wait to tell you about it! Take a look at the photo above and that will give you a pretty good idea of what you can expect inside, but here's more about each item I received -

Beanfield Bean Rice Chips - Nacho

You can't go wrong with chips and I love these bean & rice chips. They taste hearty and you can taste the mild bean flavor, which is a good thing (makes me feel healthy!). This is a better alternative to the standard chips you may buy in the store. I highly recommend trying these for yourself.

Keenwah Quinoa Puffs Aged Cheddar

Oh these were good, but EXTREMELY crunchy. Like, whoa, crunchy. But they were still awesome, and I loved the cheddar flavor.

Gluten Free Toast Cover

I haven't tried this, I'm trying to cut back on purchasing gluten-free bread these days (it's a bit expensive sometimes) but if you are in a toast mood, and you have a non-gluten free person sharing your toaster, this is a great item to use to protect your gluten-free bread from getting contaminated with gluten bread. Every bit of help counts!

Justin's Maple Almond Butter 

You may see these packets in stores and if you do, they make a great packet to add to your lunch or spread on an apple. It's just enough! I love this maple almond butter and it was such a nice treat to see in this box.

Yummy Snack Peppermint Bar

This was a bit too strange for me,  I actually didn't try this (my brother did). But you know what? He enjoyed it! So to each your own, I say!

Glutino Gluten Free Pretzels

How fun it was to see one of my favorite gluten-free brands in this box! Glutino! Well, you guys know that I've already had the chance to sample them before, so I just have to say these are great pretzels, although personally, I do prefer the buffalo style kind.

Home Free Mini Vanilla Cookies

Ah, these were good. My family and I had to share these. What great tasty mini-cookies these were. If you want an amazing snack tip - buy a pack of these with the JUstin's Maple Almond Butter and spread some of the almond butter on top of these mini cookies - DIVINE!

Go Raw Sunflower Seeds

You can't go wrong with sunflower seeds. I really like sunflower seeds in general, so this snack wasn't unfamiliar to me. I thought these tasted good and were exactly what I would expect from sunflower seeds (I was also VERY grateful these were mildly salted).


I haven't tried this just yet - it's a bit unfamiliar to me, so this may be one I let my brother just have. It isn't that I think it won't taste good - it probably will! But I'm not too huge a fan of things like these, and a little reluctant to take the plunge and try. But again, to each their own! You may love it!

Kickers All Natural Powdered Fruit Blends

I haven't tried this just yet either, as I'm not a fan of powdered blends, but I think this a great idea. It does have good ingredients though so definitely check it out.

Chia Salt Spray - Sample Size

You know what? I used this today before I left for work and I like this stuff! It gives you hair a nice feeling, sort of situates whatever style you are going for that day. It also makes your hair smell nice. It isn't as heavy laden as a lot of gels or hairsprays may be, and I really like that.

Jubilee Mix - Spicy Wholesome Trail Mix

This was a mixed bag for me. It's a great healthy snack and overall tastes decent tasting, but wasn't fulfilling to me.


One of my favorite feature of the Send Me Gluten Free box is the coupons. You can get some amazing deals and great products that you can purchase in the store. For example, there was a coupon for Cabot Cheese that I redeemed ($4.00 my purchase of Cabot cheese) and I had wanted to try it for some time now. Some other coupons I may not redeem, but just getting to see all these deals are my favorite parts of this subscription service.

As you can see by all the items listed above, you get an amazing variety of goodies. I think with subscription boxes, especially those that send out food or snack items, there will always be stuff you don't like and some you do, but each time I've tried Send Me Gluten Free, I've been really happy about the variety I get and I LOVE the coupons you get with each box. I think this is worth the subscription alone. If you eat a gluten-free diet, by choice or because of an allergy, than you will want to subscribe to this. You get the chance to try out so many different varieties of snacks and you are introduced to companies you may have not heard of before.

The pricing isn't bad either. If you want a month to month subscription, it's $19.85 plus $5 in shipping (totaling to $24.85). I think that's a great deal and a great price for how much you can get with each box. Subscribe to this subscription box by following this link.

And like I said, one of my lucky readers will win the October subscription box! Enter via Rafflecopter below. US Only. Ends 9/12.

If you can't wait for the giveaway to be over to get your subscription box, sign up now (and if you sign up through August 26th you can save 25% off a 3, 6 or 12 month subscription with code SCHOOL25). Also make sure you sign up for their newsletter to get updates about new gluten-free products. You can also follow them on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and GooglePlus.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

I received the above items in exchange for my honest review.

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